
Researcher, Intern
(July 2021 to December 2021)
National Electrification Administration, Rural Electrification and Development
Researched and authored paper on Rural Development in Areas Energized with Renewable Energy MiniGrids and presented to peers and department heads.
(Pending Journal Publication)
(June 2021 to October 2022)
Researched efficiency Water Oxidation Catalysts through comprehensive literature review
Researcher and Analyst
(July 2022 to August 2022)
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Water Quality Management, Philippines
Collected and processed data to research solutions to alleviate fecal coliform levels in Manila Bay Beach
Developer and Proprietor
(June 2022 to Present)
Author and Presenter
(September 2022 to December 2022)
First Australian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Lecture and discuss the Fecal Coliform Reduction Management in Manila Bay Bathing Beaches: A Case Study in the Philippines
Dr. Ardvin Kester Ong
Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Santo Tomas
“I have taught and advised hundreds of high school and college students through the years, Kyler truly stands out as an exceptional scientist. He is highly analytical, and absorbs concepts and theories with ease. I haven't encountered a student with such an innate gift of perception and intellect. He is truly a remarkable person that will accomplish great things in the future.”
Engr. Marivic Yao
Chief, Water Quality Management Department of Environment and Natural Resources Environment Management Bureau
“Kyler truly stands out not only because of his strong technical aptitude towards data, theories and methodologies, but also because of his unique personal perspective coupled with an empathic understanding of his environment. It was especially motivating and impressive seeing a young man’s concern for the future of the environment and desire to make an impact… I believe the attributes he possesses are essential to future sustainability leaders.”